Industry Solutions

Safeguard, use, and deliver data for your industry-specific workloads

Man sitting in front of two computers looking at code with a backblaze cloud on top of them.
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Keep University and K-12 data secure & accessible with set-and-forget storage.

Protect Students & Staff
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Protect State & Local data with off-site, immutable backups and archives.

Back Up .gov Data
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Creative & Post

Accelerate asset delivery, boost collaboration and simplify production.

Foster Creative Workflows
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 E-Commerce / SaaS

Scale web and mobile applications on S3 compatible object storage.

Build & Scale Apps
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Health & Science

Advance research and ease budgets, with performant, affordable cloud storage.

Unlock Scientific Data
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Serve gamers globally, and easily manage gaming resources.

Uplevel Gaming


Record, safeguard, and keep video footage.

Enable Surveillance Teams
Icon for house of worship

House of Worship

Capture, protect, and store content to serve your modern ministry.

Empower Media Teams

A Publicly Traded Company (BLZE)
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