Use Info-ZIP to Unzip a Restore File (Windows)
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    Use Info-ZIP to Unzip a Restore File (Windows)

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    Article summary

    You can use the Windows built-in unzipping utility to unzip a Backblaze Computer Backup restore. You also have the option to use Info-ZIP to unzip your restore files.

    Unzip your restore with Info-ZIP

    Before you begin: Download your ZIP restore using the Backblaze web console.

    1. Download Info-ZIP.
    2. Create a new folder on your desktop, and save Info-ZIP to that folder.
    3. Open the folder, and double-click Info-ZIP.
    4. Click Run.
    5. Drag your ZIP restore file to the unzip.exe program.

    The program launches and unzips your files in the location of your ZIP file.

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