Collect a Processes List (Windows)
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    Collect a Processes List (Windows)

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    Article summary

    For troubleshooting issues, you may need to provide a Support agent with a list of processes that are currently running on your computer. This can help the agent identify processes that may be interfering with the operation of Backblaze Computer Backup, such as security programs. You can generate this list by using the Command Prompt window.

    Collect a Process List

    1. Press the Windows logo key + R to open the Run window, or click the Windows icon and enter Run into the search bar.
    2. In the Run window, enter cmd and click OK to open the Command Prompt window.
    3. Enter the following command, and press Enter.
      tasklist /V | sort > %HOMEPATH%\Desktop\list.txt
      If you use OneDrive and your Desktop folder is located in the OneDrive folder, enter the following command instead.
      tasklist /V | sort > %HOMEPATH%\OneDrive\Desktop\list.txt
      Windows creates a file named list.txt that contains a list of your currently running processes.
    4. Locate the list.txt file on your Desktop (or within the Desktop folder in your OneDrive folder).
    5. When requested, attach this file in your response to the Support Agent.

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