Add Services to a Group
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    Add Services to a Group

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    Article summary

    You can add services to a new or existing business group using the Backblaze web console.

    Add Services to a New Group

    Use this procedure if this is the first group you are creating.

    1. Sign in to your Backblaze account.
    2. In the left navigation menu under Business Groups, click Group Management.
      A dialog is displayed so you can create a new group.
    3. Enter a Group Name.
    4. Select one or both services that you members will use:
      • Backblaze Online Backup
      • B2 Cloud Storage
    5. Select an administrator privilege.
    6. Click Create Group and Next.

    For more information about creating groups, click here.

    Add Services to an Existing Group

    You can add services to an existing group, but you cannot remove services.

    1. Sign in to your Backblaze account.
    2. In the left navigation menu under Business Groups, click Group Management.
    3. For the appropriate group, click Edit Group.
      The Edit dialog is displayed.
    4. Under This Group provides members with section, enable the service that you want to add:
      • Backblaze Online Backup
      • B2 Cloud Storage
    5. Select Update Group.

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