Download a Restore Using the Downloader App (Mac)
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    Download a Restore Using the Downloader App (Mac)

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    Article summary

    To increase the speed and reliability when downloading a restore over 2 GB, use the Backblaze Downloader application. With this app, you also have the ability to resume a download if it is interrupted.

    Before you begin, you must create a ZIP restore.

    Install the Downloader App

    1. Sign in to your Backblaze account.
    2. In the left navigation menu under Computer Backup, select My Restores.
    3. Click Download 'Backblaze Downloader'.
      The app downloads to the default location on your computer, typically the Downloads folder, unless you specify otherwise.
    4. If this is your first time using the app, click Open on the dialog.

    Restore a File

    1. Open the Downloader App.
    2. Enter the email for your Backblaze account, and click Next.
    3. Enter the password for your Backblaze account, and click Next.
    4. In the Restore File drop-down menu, select the restore that you want to download.
    5. Click Choose Folder, select a folder to download files into, and click Open.
    6. Optionally, adjust the number of threads for the download.
      Backblaze recommends eight (8) threads, and the Downloader app is set to 8 threads by default.
    7. Click Next.
      If needed, you can click Pause after the download starts.
    8. After the download completes, click Show File.
      The download is shown in the folder that you specified.

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