Cloned Hard Drives
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    Cloned Hard Drives

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    Article summary

    For Backblaze Computer Backup to function properly, you must exclude the .bzvol file from all cloning programs so that specific Backblaze data is not cloned. This article provides information about popular cloning options.

    Carbon Copy Cloner

    Carbon Copy Cloner 3.4.5 and later automatically excludes .bzvol from clones.

    SuperDuper Cloner

    SuperDuper Cloner 2.7.4 and later automatically excludes .bzvol from clones.

    For earlier versions:

    1. Make a new copy script.
    2. Select Included Scripts.
    3. Double-click the Standard Scripts folder.
    4. Select Backup - all files.dset > Open.
    5. Select Script Commands.
    6. Select .bzvol from the list, and click Add Item.
    7. Click Close > Save.
    8. Change the name to something descriptive like "Backup all files except .bzvol," and click Save. Save it in the Copy Scripts folder.
    9. Back on the main panel, select the script that you just created as your copy script.
      These steps prevent SuperDuper from copying the .bzvol folder, but it does not remove any that have already been copied over to the destination drive.
    10. Remove existing files.
      1. Select Finder, and open the Go menu.
      2. Select Go to Folder.
      3. Enter /Volumes/MyBackupDestinationName/.bzvol/ replacing MyBackupDestinationName with the drive that is the recipient of the clone.
      4. Click Go.
      5. In the resulting open folder, delete bzvol_id.xml.


    ChronoSync v4.5.2 (and later) automatically excludes .bzvol from backups and sync operations. 


    If you use cloning software that is not listed, follow these generic instructions.

    1. Instruct the software to exclude the .bzvol folder from copying from the source drive to the destination drive. It may be called an ignore or an exclusion.
      The .bzvol for the primary hard drive is located here: /Library/Backblaze.bzpkg/bzdata/bzvol_system_volume/.
      The .bzvol for a secondary hard drive is located here: /Volumes/DriveName/.bzvol.
    2. Manually remove the .bzvol from the destination drive.
      1. In Finder, select Go > Go to Folder.
      2. Enter /Volumes/DriveName/.bzvol.
      3. Delete all of the files in the .bzvol folder.

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