After we released Backblaze Online Backup 4.0, people starting uploading data crazy quickly!
1TB backed up per day? That’s not bad!
Once that happened, we realized that we needed to buy a bunch more Backblaze Vaults to store all that data. The question we had to ask ourselves was, “How do we maintain our $5/month price for the Backblaze service while finding new ways of making money, too, so we can afford all those fancy Backblaze Vaults?”
The answer came in the form of a parenting magazine that someone had laying around in the office. It turns out, new parents are always looking for DIY projects and ways to save money. We found our answer!
For the low, low, low price of around $100 and one empty Backblaze Storage Pod chassis (prices may vary) we’re able to produce a crib for you and your loved ones.
That’s right. Backblaze is entering the baby business!
What does it take to build a Baby Pod? Well, first off you need a Pod, and lot of elbow grease:
Beyond that, here’s a full parts list:
Storage Chassis Padding – 2 inches thick – 3×3 ft
Top edge padding – 2×2 inches sq – 3 feet long
Top edge padding – 2×2 inches sq – 2 feet long
Color/Pattern of choice
Color/Pattern of choice
Color/Pattern of choice
Color/Pattern of choice
Color of choice
Assembly Instructions
OK, so if you have all of those, what do you do?
First, you’ll need to pad the Storage Pod (after you’ve cut out and buffed down all the pokey bits). Do this by hot-gluing the high-density foam in to all of the Pod’s nooks and crannies. Once done, you’re ready for the sheets!
To make the baby bedsheets:
- You will need one piece of fabric cut to size, that is a half inch longer on the sides and two and a half inches longer on the top than the bed measurement.
- Lay the fabric out print side down on a flat surface.
- Fold all four sides in by 1/16 of an inch or so (can be more but not by much). Place sewing needles along the sides to keep the small fold in place.
- With a sewing machine, sew a 1/16 seam allowance.
- Fold the top of the sheet in by two inches. Place sewing needles along the middle of the fold, piercing both layers of fabric to keep the fold in place.
- With a sewing machine, sew a two inch seam allowance.
- Fold the two sides and bottom in by a half inch. Place sewing needles piercing both layers of fabric along the sides and bottom to keep the fold in place
- With a sewing machine, sew a half inch seam allowance.
- Now, just drape it over the foam and you’re good to go!
Babies get cold, what about a blanket? Glad you asked:
- Lay the two pieces of fleece one on top of the other, backsides together. (You will need to cut the three yards into one and a half yard pieces.)
- Trim around the edges to ensure both pieces are the same shape and size and to get rid of any damaged/frayed material. A ruler is most helpful here!
- Cut a three to four inch square out from all four corners.
- Cut slits about three inches deep and one inch apart all the way around the fabric.
- Match the bottom and top slits and double knot them—but not too tight!
Think we’re crazy? We have tons of happy customers! From our own Baby Pods:

Where did you think our big pods came from?
To actual babies:

No models were harmed in the making of this promotional material.
It wasn’t all bad though, she actually quite enjoyed it…after a bit of coaxing…

See? Perfect!
As you can see, we take this stuff pretty seriously. And if you have your own Backblaze Storage Pod chassis just laying around, use the step by step instructions above to turn simple craft materials into the best darned homemade crib that comes from an old server! You’re welcome, DIY fans!
Don’t have the materials to build one handy? Find out how you can buy one today!