Cancel a Backblaze B2 Account
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    Cancel a Backblaze B2 Account

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    Article summary

    You can disable a Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage account and continue to use Backblaze Computer Backup on your account.

    For more information about canceling or deleting a Computer Backup account, click here.

    1. Sign in to the Backblaze web console.
    2. Delete all of the files in your buckets.
      You can also delete files using the b2 delete_file_version call.
    3. Delete your buckets.
      You can also delete buckets using the b2 delete_bucket call. If you have many files in the bucket, see Use the B2 Sync Command with the CLI.
    4. Delete all of your non-master application keys.
    5. Delete all of your Snapshots.
    6. In the user menu in the upper-right corner of the page, select My Settings.
    7. Under Enabled Products, clear the checkbox for B2 Cloud Storage.
      Your Backblaze B2 account is disabled.

    For more information about using the API to delete files, click here

    For more information about using the Command-Line Tool to delete files, click here.

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