Python Developer Quick-Start Guide
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    Python Developer Quick-Start Guide

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    Article summary

    This tutorial provides developers familiar with the Python language with prebuilt code that accesses hosted sample data. In just a few minutes, you’ll get hands-on experience working with Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage. The Backblaze B2 Quick Start includes three options for developers to become proficient with the prebuilt code. First, the open-source code is on GitHub, including helpful commenting in-line. Second, written instructions are provided below for a guided walk-through. Third, video-guided walk-throughs are also embedded below.


    The intended audience are developers who have experience with the Python programming language.

    The following instructions provide you with details on using prebuilt Python code that we have shared on GitHub for you to download.

    You can get started free of charge by creating a Backblaze B2 account with 10GB of storage at no cost (and downloading up to 1GB/day for free). The instructions below first walk through the prebuilt code on GitHub, making API calls against a prebuilt media application in a pre-staged Backblaze B2 bucket. The API calls against the pre-staged Backblaze B2 bucket are read-only and we have shared the necessary read-only keys in the GitHub project.

    Later instructions provide you a guided walk-through of the prebuilt code on GitHub that includes API calls that create buckets, upload files, and delete files and buckets. For this second half of the prebuilt code, you will need to create your own Backblaze account and buckets, which you can do free of charge.

    This is part of a comprehensive set of resources that are available to you.


    1. Sample Application: open-source and shared on GitHub for you to download:
    2. Video Code Walk-throughs of Sample Application: For you to share and rewatch on demand. See videos embedded inline below.
    3. Hosted Sample Data: A media application with application keys shared for read-only access
    4. Guided Instructions: These pages that you are currently reading. These instructions guide you on how to download the sample code, run it yourself, and then use the code as you see fit, including incorporating it into your own applications.

    These resources initially use our keys, buckets, and sample data. However, 100% of the prebuilt code on GitHub is immediately usable with keys, buckets, and data in your own Backblaze B2 accounts!

    Please share these resources with your friends and coworkers.

    As you build on Backblaze B2, we'd very much love to hear what you do with it. If you would like to contribute to this project on GitHub, we welcome your participation via pull requests.

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